Friday, January 20, 2012

Here's to a New Year!

Hi everyone,

Ella has taken a break from writing in her blog, but she has given us permission to compose this quick update to keep all of you apprised of her status.

At the outset, you should know that Ella is doing well. She is responding to her ongoing treatment and hitting the appropriate milestones her doctors need to see. Her day-to-day condition is very tied into the combination of medicines she takes. She pushes through her toughest times and truly shines when she is feeling her best. 

While Ella is not going to school, she is taking four classes via Skype (AP Stat, AP Pysch, and two English classes: Emily Dickenson and the Bible), and is working with her teachers and classmates to participate in and complete various assignments.  Last Friday, Ella visited school, attended some classes, and presented a Stat project with her friends Olivia and Elliott in Mrs. Itani’s class. That was certainly a good day.

There have been a number of good days over the last few months – and many are triggered by friends and family being close by. We are so grateful for all the support and prayers from all you. It means so much to all of us.

Blog posting can be a challenge, but we will try and keep you in the loop as we continue on our journey to recovery.  For now, enjoy the rest of the season – stay warm – and be well.

All our best,
Ella, Maia, Noah, Amy & Dave